
Will My Insurance Company Cover Ice Damage?

Ice Damage Insurance CoverageAs a homeowner, you do all that you can to maintain your roof for shelter.  Even with diligent maintenance, if ice forms on a roof structure, dangerous and hazardous problems can be expensive to repair.  If you’re like most homeowners, you’re probably wondering if you are covered for ice dam removal.  The best answer;  it depends.

Generally, insurance companies are not on the hook for covering the costs of ice damage.  We recommend that you read through the “What We Cover” section of your insurance policy to determine whether or not your provider will cover this type of damage.

Although most insurance companies are not required to cover this cost, some will as an act of good faith. Those that do may cover only partial costs, while others will cover the entire cost of repair related to ice on your roof.

Simply put, ice damage is typically not considered a “covered peril” under most insurance policies.

As a homeowner, you’re expected to show due diligence by protecting and maintaining your home. This includes taking steps to prevent ice damage in the first place.

In fact, most insurance companies expect you to make an effort to ensure that your home is properly ventilated and insulated properly. They also expect all attic bypasses to be sealed, and for your home’s exterior to be water tight. While they may not explicitly say so, insurance companies do expect you to keep your roof clear of snow as part of your roof’s regular “upkeep.”

For many homeowners, it can be a challenge to determine what their policy covers and doesn’t cover. No two policies are the same, just as no two ice dams are the same. Ice damage may pose a serious threat to your home, or it may pose no threat at all. It can be difficult to determine if, for sure, your insurance carrier will cover the costs of ice damage, and if they do, how much they will cover. But if you can prove that you have gone to great lengths to prevent the damage, your provider may cover part or all of the repair costs as a result of ice build-up on your roof out of good faith.

Protect Your Home With HotEdge Ice Damage Prevention Systems

Regardless of if your insurance covers ice damage, the hassle and potential damage to your property is enough to consider installing a HotEdge system. Call the HotEdg  ice dam prevention specialists today, and discover the perfect HotEdge system for your roof.


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